Can I Beat A DWI?

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By Fabio Rodriguez

Its late and you're coming home from your girlfriends house. She asked you to stay because you had been drinking but you only live a few blocks away. Next thing you know cops in uniform are interrogating you. You're walking the line, being placed in handcuffs, and being read your Miranda rights. You find yourself in the back of a police car wondering how you are going to deal with this mess.

Of course, you have the right to an attorney as part of your Miranda rights! But wait. Isn't that expensive? How will I find one? There are a myriad of questions that come up when you find yourself faced with DUI charges and cost is a major factor. After some reading on the Internet you find that DUI law is complex, changes state to state and is constantly evolving. Just getting a basic grasp of the language is difficult much less understanding your legal options. Is it possible to have these charges dismissed or reduced? Without the help of a qualified attorney that is not going to happen.

Every state's laws differ when it comes to DUI cases. Of course each state also has qualified law professionals who understand the complexities of DWI law and how they can leverage these nuances to better help your case. Does it make sense to hire a lawyer to help? Of course. In fact, it can be cost ineffective to represent yourself. Your attorney will have experience with which tactics and choices are the most beneficial to your particular case. They also are acquainted with the lawyers and judges in your area and that can work in your favor.

All U.S. states have severe DUI penalties for a blood alcohol content (BAC) past a certain limit (usually 0.8). "From having your car impounded, town services, or possible jail sentences, punishment can be harsh," warns Pete Verillo, a Newark DUI Attorney. You may lose your job because you cannot drive while incurring heavy fees costing upwards of $5,000. Even if it's a first offense you may lose your license and have trouble getting insurance again. You may also be forced to attend driving safety classes on your own dime. Traveling across state lines may also be restricted keeping you away from your loved ones. If there's a chance that charges can be dropped or reduced, you should reach out to an attorney in your area.

Everywhere you drive in U.S. DUI is illegal and enforced. Officers will test your breath, blood or urine to check your BAC and determine if you're under the legal limit. Every state also uses implied consent when obtaining a drivers license which waives your right to refuse a blood test. That means that if you refuse to have your BAC tested, you will be convicted anyway and likely face harsher penalties. An experienced DUI lawyer will review every single component of your case and the methods and machines used to obtain it. Any problems or inconsistencies can cause this evidence to be thrown out.

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